On Friday 14th October we welcomed some new members to a light-hearted quiz to identify autumn leaves. The display of fifteen different leaves from a wide variety of shrubs and a further fifteen trees were displayed superbly and gave us a lot to ponder. The winning score was an admirable nineteen; those of us who didn’t do as well were suitably impressed and happy not to be identified!
We then faced a difficult choice of which of the splendid cakes to enjoy with our tea and coffee while also raising some funds with a raffle. Many thanks go to Thelma for arranging the quiz and everyone who provided cakes and raffle prizes.
Some informal discussions took place about ideas and suggestions for activities and events for next year including topics for talks, an open gardens weekend and garden visits and the committee is looking forward to putting together a programme that we hope will have a wide appeal to everyone in the parish who has an interest in gardening.
Gerry Wood
Some of the thirty leaves that we tried our best to identify.